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Have you ever wondered what happens when we choose hope over fear? Hope changes how we see the world, even in the hardest moments. Remember, no matter what, God...
"This is a mercy from my Lord..." (Quran 18:98) Let this verse be a source of comfort and hope. #Quran #Islam #Faith #ramadan #DailyReminder...
Today we're going to explore Psalms chapter 119 :105. This verse is a beacon of hope and guidance, especially in times of uncertainty. Let's read it together: "...
**Psalm 23:1**"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."**Reflection:**This verse encapsulates the profound care and guidance that God offers to His followers...
NEARER, MY GOD TO THEELYRICS:Nearer, My God, to Thee1. Nearer, my God, to thee,Nearer to thee!E’en though it be a crossThat raiseth me.Still all my song shall...